The days keep getting colder and colder, and bearing my pain harder and harder. I write this semi-sitting on the bed, with my back against two pillows, my fingers hurting like crazy, my body hurting even more just for existing. I fucking hate the cold weather!
Series of Posts
Third anniversary of my living hell
Animal companionship in the context of chronic pain - my personal experience
Driven to desperation
I feel defeated
The holidays
How a cat made me feel excited again
I'm terrified about my future
Vacations and the toll on the body
Types of pain
Cannabis and pain
Covid, Fibromyalgia, and an increase in fatigue
A walk in the park
Fifth appointment - quick notes
Fourth appointment
Finding purpose
I had a chronic pain appointment that made me feel even more pain
Messed up sleep continues
Medical board to me: fuck you very much
High level, non-stopping
How it felt after the third appointment
Tracking the therapy progress
Third appointment done
Better on the surface
Multiple regions of my body with maximum pain intensity at the same time
Farto desta merda
To coma or not to coma
Things have gone downhill again
The pain relief didn't last long
Still feeling the treatment effects
Second transcranial magnetic stimulation appointment
Starting 2022 worst than I ended 2021
Looking back to 2021
No pain, no what!?
The Hellidays were like a beaten to my body
My arms hurt as much as my back
Maybe it's all bad luck
The third day after the first therapy session
I had my first transcranial neurostimulation appointment
Another very, very bad day
Things I do to "distract" myself from the pain
Transcranial magnetic stimulation medical appointment scheduled
How I keep an increase of pain at bay on family days
A Christmas pain song
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how painful are your cold days
Another sleepless night
Round and round it goes
Things you should not say to someone with chronic pain
Worst pain level so far
Presented myself before a medical board and left the facilities feeling like shit
Building a good support network is essential
My experience with Social Security's medical boards
How I started cooking after fibromyalgia
I wake up feeling like I ran a marathon
A week of waking up around 8h like a fucking clock
WhY aRe YoU iN pAiN iF yOuR eXaMs ShOw NoThInG wRoNg?
Another sleepless night
I hate cold weather
HaVe YoU tRiEd (insert random stuff)?
Sleep and fibromyalgia
Animal companionship in the context of chronic pain - my personal experience
Driven to desperation
I feel defeated
The holidays
How a cat made me feel excited again
I'm terrified about my future
Vacations and the toll on the body
Types of pain
Cannabis and pain
Covid, Fibromyalgia, and an increase in fatigue
A walk in the park
Fifth appointment - quick notes
Fourth appointment
Finding purpose
I had a chronic pain appointment that made me feel even more pain
Messed up sleep continues
Medical board to me: fuck you very much
High level, non-stopping
How it felt after the third appointment
Tracking the therapy progress
Third appointment done
Better on the surface
Multiple regions of my body with maximum pain intensity at the same time
Farto desta merda
To coma or not to coma
Things have gone downhill again
The pain relief didn't last long
Still feeling the treatment effects
Second transcranial magnetic stimulation appointment
Starting 2022 worst than I ended 2021
Looking back to 2021
No pain, no what!?
The Hellidays were like a beaten to my body
My arms hurt as much as my back
Maybe it's all bad luck
The third day after the first therapy session
I had my first transcranial neurostimulation appointment
Another very, very bad day
Things I do to "distract" myself from the pain
Transcranial magnetic stimulation medical appointment scheduled
How I keep an increase of pain at bay on family days
A Christmas pain song
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how painful are your cold days
Another sleepless night
Round and round it goes
Things you should not say to someone with chronic pain
Worst pain level so far
Presented myself before a medical board and left the facilities feeling like shit
Building a good support network is essential
My experience with Social Security's medical boards
How I started cooking after fibromyalgia
I wake up feeling like I ran a marathon
A week of waking up around 8h like a fucking clock
WhY aRe YoU iN pAiN iF yOuR eXaMs ShOw NoThInG wRoNg?
Another sleepless night
I hate cold weather
HaVe YoU tRiEd (insert random stuff)?
Sleep and fibromyalgia