I can’t say I haven’t felt desperate due to the constant, unbearable pain and the exhaustion fibromyalgia puts me through. I’ve had some days like this, and I’ve mentioned it too. I even wrote some of the blog posts here during those periods of diminished mental energy.
I can’t also say that, as someone wrote on Reddit, I haven’t looked at coma as a way of running away from the pain and the mental fatigue. Or worst escapes, but those desperate thoughts that come forward on the worst times won’t be the subject now. Maybe for another blog post. Or not. Fuck if I know. ^^'
On that post, you can read the following:
Suffering in agonizing pain 24 hours a day everyday….im sooooo fucking tired I just want to Sleep for days on end and not wake up…give my soul a rest from Suffering cuz I’m so exhausted; I’m tired of speaking to doctors Im tired of taking medicine I’m tired of staying in bed all day like a potato….
That user’s feeling appears to be shared among people suffering from chronic pain if sharing personal experiences from people I know, Reddit, and the web is believed. The ways for escaping might be different, but the will to stop feeling pain is a common denominator.
Pain, that thing we shouldn’t be suffering from 24/7, making a mess of our brains and our life. Having to endure it, despite the fact we didn’t evolve to do that, is exhausting! I’ve been sick of this since day one!
photo from Unsplash