Cold temperatures arrived in Portugal. With them came an increase in the pain level. What was already bad just became worst.
I was never a big fan of cold, except when I could spend the day in bed, all cosied up. Since fibromyalgia came into my life, it’s different: I can’t spend a whole day laying down because it will make my body hurt even more, and the cold makes the pain even worst.
An average pain level of 6, on a 0 to 10 scale, is now a 7.5. Bear in mind this is a revised scale. Using the previous one, the numbers would be 8 and 9.
The only thing that has helped me decrease the pain temporarily is water bottles. They are only palliative because I only get a slight relief when they are against my body. If I take them or they cool down, the fucking pain comes rushing in.
What can one do in a situation like this? Dress in warm clothes, do a ton of water bottles every day and hope for the best.
What’s worse, however, is being forced to do even less stuff. Cooking? Only after a hot water bottle, and the cooking has to be fast or I’m forced to take a few brakes for - you guessed - more hot water bottles. Cleaning the apartment? Delegate and forget about it. Taking the trash out? Delegate again. Think with clarity? The brain fog is even worse and more frequent.
The list goes on, and on, and on…
I can’t wait for the warm weather to return.
photo by Pavel Lozovikov