Yesterday and, so far, today have been crazy and not in a good way. I’ve felt pain in my shoulders, arms, hands and wrists since this started, but not so much as now. The intensity is way up there!
It’s not just the pain, but the soreness and exhaustion I feel in them too. Yesterday, I even put a hot water bottle in my arms to ease the pain. I’ve never done such a thing before! WTF?!
Typing this blog post is more challenging than it ever was. It’s like the pain I feel in my back spread to my top members with the same intensity. Usually, one area of the body hurts the most; now, it’s the back and the arms (from the shoulders and up to the tip of my fingers).
They may have united in conspiring against me…
It will be hard to get some sleep. I fall asleep lying on my stomach, but now having my back and my arms hurting like crazy creates a colossal problem: every position I try to fall asleep will either force me to lay on my back and/or on at least one of my arms.
How screwed am I? A lot, it seems. Fuck!
Let us hope Sunday brings some relief. If it doesn’t, I probably won’t be able to snap some photos. It’s one of my favourite hobbies, and a relaxing moment for me too. During that time, even if I need to employ a bunch of hacks to deal with the pain and tiredness, I can forget this crap for some moments.